Distribution savings of around 15%
Taking historical order and site data as the basis, planners and analysts can simulate strategic scenarios across time periods to review delivery patterns, existing fixed routes, historical routes and fleet mix to find solutions that offer up to 40% saving on current operations.

Advance Planning & Optimization

Fastvan can manage your daily, Weekly, Monthly planning, improve service delivery as well as allowing you to examine and compare the cost & profit margins of your transportation strategy, helping to understand and control company transportation costs.

Managing last minute orders with on demand capacity overview.
  • Powerful Optimization Engine
  • Modular and Robust Architecture
  • Customisable Business Model
  • Reduce Planning Time
  • Improve Service Delivery & Efficiency
  • Maximize Customer Satisfaction
  • Enhance Distribution and Reduce Costs


Is it cost-efficient to be delivering to customers in this pattern? What if I moved weekly drops from Monday to Wednesday? What if I was able to top up or automated capacity utilisation to keep fill to 100% instead of 60%?

Fastvan lets planners simulate changes to their delivery patterns for recurring customers to evaluate consolidation of the number of long-distance/out-of-region delivery drops that occur across the week and the value of renegotiating with the customer for a different schedule. Real time & on demand capacity utilisation helps companies understand the monetary value of wasted capacity but keep fill companies increase their margins.


How much will a new customer cost to take on? Which of my customers are a net cost on my distribution network? What should I quote for shipments?

Fastvan can provide an invaluable tool for your analysts in determining the cost of serving either new or existing customers. By reviewing planning historical data and assigning either known or estimated costs and profits to the customer, Fastvan will calculate and report on the expense of servicing that customer. New customers can also be assessed against historical routes to see what impact they would have had.


Are my depots or suppliers in the right place? Can I re-optimise existing orders? Am I using more vehicles than I should be? Can I change delivery patterns to reduce the number of vehicles I need on the road?

Fastvan gives analysts and planners the ability to simulate multiple scenario variables on their own data; adding data elements like depots or supplier’s hub, or moving order affiliation between existing ones, to model alternate operational set-ups and provide actions for reconciliation and order consolidation.


Can I add another 15 customers in that region? Do I have the vehicular and delivery capacity to meet SLAs? As a 3PL, can I afford to take on these new customers?

Fastvan provides quick and easy processes to add new vehicles with different capabilities, turn on and off sets of vehicles, reassign them to different depots or change driver working hours, giving planners the ability to assess the impact on taking on new work from an internal operations standpoint. Paired with a cost & revenue analysis, this lets organisations de-risk their expansion strategy from a distribution perspective.


What orders should I regularly assign to 3rd party carriers? Are there regions we deliver to that could be better outsourced? Should I bring more business in-house, and what opportunities should I pursue to make that more cost-efficient?

Fastvan allows analysts to assess the carrier costs and performance; allowing to set carrier’s rates. Historical data and patterns in analytics can be assessed to identify regions that could be outsourced or brought in house, depending on the profitability. Integration capabilities with your preferred carriers in a private network

Predictive Analytics & Optimization

Avoid delayed or missed collections and delivery, Fastvan allows you to analyses all key performance metrics for all delivery associates and integrated carriers, Fastvan can notify dispatchers immediately to take actions.

Advance Planning & Optimization

Fastvan can manage your daily, Weekly, Monthly planning, improve service delivery as well as allowing you to examine and compare the cost & profit margins of your transportation strategy, helping to understand and control company transportation costs.

Managing last minute orders with on demand capacity overview.
  • checkPowerful Optimization Engine
  • checkModular and Robust Architecture
  • checkCustomisable Business Model
  • checkReduce Planning Time
  • checkImprove Service Delivery & Efficiency
  • checkMaximize Customer Satisfaction
  • checkEnhance Distribution and Reduce Costs


Is it cost-efficient to be delivering to customers in this pattern? What if I moved weekly drops from Monday to Wednesday? What if I was able to top up or automated capacity utilisation to keep fill to 100% instead of 60%?

Fastvan lets planners simulate changes to their delivery patterns for recurring customers to evaluate consolidation of the number of long-distance/out-of-region delivery drops that occur across the week and the value of renegotiating with the customer for a different schedule. Real time & on demand capacity utilisation helps companies understand the monetary value of wasted capacity but keep fill companies increase their margins.


How much will a new customer cost to take on? Which of my customers are a net cost on my distribution network? What should I quote for shipments?

Fastvan can provide an invaluable tool for your analysts in determining the cost of serving either new or existing customers. By reviewing planning historical data and assigning either known or estimated costs and profits to the customer, Fastvan will calculate and report on the expense of servicing that customer. New customers can also be assessed against historical routes to see what impact they would have had.


Are my depots or suppliers in the right place? Can I re-optimise existing orders? Am I using more vehicles than I should be? Can I change delivery patterns to reduce the number of vehicles I need on the road?

Fastvan gives analysts and planners the ability to simulate multiple scenario variables on their own data; adding data elements like depots or supplier’s hub, or moving order affiliation between existing ones, to model alternate operational set-ups and provide actions for reconciliation and order consolidation.


Can I add another 15 customers in that region? Do I have the vehicular and delivery capacity to meet SLAs? As a 3PL, can I afford to take on these new customers?

Fastvan provides quick and easy processes to add new vehicles with different capabilities, turn on and off sets of vehicles, reassign them to different depots or change driver working hours, giving planners the ability to assess the impact on taking on new work from an internal operations standpoint. Paired with a cost & revenue analysis, this lets organisations de-risk their expansion strategy from a distribution perspective.


What orders should I regularly assign to 3rd party carriers? Are there regions we deliver to that could be better outsourced? Should I bring more business in-house, and what opportunities should I pursue to make that more cost-efficient?

Fastvan allows analysts to assess the carrier costs and performance; allowing to set carrier’s rates. Historical data and patterns in analytics can be assessed to identify regions that could be outsourced or brought in house, depending on the profitability. Integration capabilities with your preferred carriers in a private network

Predictive Analytics & Optimization

Avoid delayed or missed collections and delivery, Fastvan allows you to analyses all key performance metrics for all delivery associates and integrated carriers, Fastvan can notify dispatchers immediately to take actions.